Training Institute
Transcultural C.A.R.E Training Institute offers training and group consultation sessions personally conducted by Dr. Campinha-Bacote. These offerings are divided into “C.A.R.E. tracks” (Clinical, Administrative, Research & Education). Dr. Campinha-Bacote also offers consultation to individuals who are seeking guidance in the area of transcultural health care and mental health. Following is a description of the content, dates, location, and cost for these services:

Clinical Tract

The Journey Towards Cultural Competemility In Health Care: A Practice Model Of Care

This all day workshop is intended for healthcare professionals in all types of healthcare settings. Participants will begin the day with an overview of cultural competence in healthcare followed by Campinha-Bacote’s model of cultural competemility in clinical care – The Process of Cultural Competemility in the Delivery of Healthcare Services. Participants will then have the background to begin their personal journey towards cultural competence by experientially examining this practice model of cultural competence. Dr. Campinha-Bacote will discuss the clinical application of her model’s constructs of cultural humility, cultural desire, cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural skill, & cultural encounters. It is the intent of this workshop to provide healthcare providers with a framework for positively impacting on the quality of healthcare services in a culturally relevant manner.
Date: *Date TBA
Time: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Location: Blue Ash, Ohio
Cost: $3,000 for each participant (includes Campinha-Bacote’s book, PowerPoint handouts and continental breakfast – lunch on your own)
*Minimum of 10 participants

Administrative Tract

The Journey Towards Cultural Competemility In Healthcare Leadership: A Model For Healthcare Leaders

This all day workshop is intended for healthcare administrators and leaders in all types of healthcare settings. Participants will begin the day with an overview of cultural competence in healthcare followed by Campinha-Bacote’s model of cultural competemility in leadership – The Process of Cultural Competemility in Healthcare Leadership. Participants will then have the background to begin their personal journey towards cultural competence by experientially examining this leadership model of cultural competence. Dr. Campinha-Bacote will discuss the application of her model’s constructs of cultural humility, cultural desire, cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural skill, & cultural encounters as it relates to such leadership issues as cultural diversity in the workforce and implementing culturally and linguistically appropriate healthcare programs. It is the intent of this workshop to provide healthcare administrators and leaders with a framework for positively impacting on the quality of healthcare services.
Date: *Date TBA
Time: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Location: Blue Ash, Ohio
Cost: $3,000 for each participant (includes PowerPoint handouts – breakfast and lunch on your own)
*Minimum of 10 participants

Research Tract

Addressing Research Issues In Transcultural Health Care and or Mental Health: Group Consultation With Dr. Campinha-Bacote

This half day consultation allows healthcare professionals, from all health-related disciplines, to bring specific questions and challenges faced in developing and/or implementing projects relating to culturally and linguistically appropriate services in health care, education, or training. Participants will receive individual consultation with Dr. Campinha-Bacote as well as have an opportunity to network with others as they begin to identify strategies to employ in their respective academic or healthcare setting. To fully benefit each participant, the group is limited to 12 participants. It is suggested that participants attend either the clinical tract or educational tract, the day prior to this session, to gain knowledge of Campinha-Bacote’s models of cultural competence.
Date: *Date TBA
Time: 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
Location: Blue Ash, Ohio
Cost: $1,500 for each participant
*Minimum of 10 participants

Educational Tract

Enhancing Cultural Competemility In The Health Professions: A Culturally Conscious Model Of Education

There is a clear lack of consensus among health professions’ educators concerning the successful integration of cultural concepts within their respective curriculum. This all day workshop is intended for educators in the health professions to explore questions such as: “What should be taught?” “How should it be taught?” How do we evaluate the process?” What should be the qualifications of the faculty?” and finally, “What is a culturally competent healthcare professional?” In this workshop Dr. Campinha-Bacote discusses her “Culturally Conscious Model of Health Professions Education.” She will present the application of her model’s constructs of cultural humility, cultural desire, cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural skill, & cultural encounters as it relates to integrating cultural concepts into health professions’ curricula.
Date: *Date TBA
Time: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Location: Blue Ash, Ohio
Cost: $2,500 for each participant (includes Campinha-Bacote’s book, PowerPoint handouts and continental breakfast -lunch on your own)
*Minimum of 10 participants

Customized Training

Addressing Transcultural And Mental Health Issues: Individual Consultation With Dr. Campinha-Bacote

This consultative service is for individuals who are seeking guidance in addressing specific issues and concerns related to transcultural health care and mental health in academic and/or clinical settings. Examples include, consultation the areas of research projects, cultural competency training, curriculum development, caring for culturally and ethnically diverse patients.
Dates/Times: *Per individual request
Location: Onsite: Blue Ash, Ohio; or Telephonic consultation
Cost: $500 per hour (includes Campinha-Bacote’s book; 30-minute pre-consultation to assess needs; handouts based on pre-assessment consultation; Transcultural C.A.R.E. (TC) certificate for consultation of 6 hours or greater; opportunity to purchase PowerPoint slides of your choice with a TC certificate – over 200 slides to select from)
*Open registration

Please contact Transcultural C.A.R.E. Training Institute of your interest in any of the above services.

Phone: 513-604-0843                                                                                                                                                                                              E-mail: [email protected]

Thank you, in advance, for your time and interest. I look forward to hearing from you!