Oral Health
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Newcomb, T. and Sokolik, T. (2012). Cultural Competency. Dimensions of Dental Hygiene, 10(4): 58-61.
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Office of Health Disparities. (2019). Survey of oral health professionals and students who volunteered at the Utah department of health office of health disparities’ dental day clinics. Salt Lake City (UT): Utah Department of Health, Office of Health Disparities. (Link)
Riggs, E., van Gemert, C., Gussy, M., Waters, C., and Kilpatrick, N. (2012). Reflections on cultural diversity in oral health promotion and prevention. Global Health Promotion, 19(1), 60-63.
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Fleming, E., Frantsve-Hawley, J., & Minter-Jordan, M. (2022). Health Equity Needs Teeth. AMA Journal of Ethics, 24(1), 48-56.
Sabato, E., Owens, J., Mauro, A. M., Findley, P., Lamba, S., & Fenesy, K. (2018). Integrating social determinants of health into dental curricula: an interprofessional approach. Journal of Dental Education, 82(3), 237-245.
Sinkford, J., Valachovic, R., Weaver, R., and West, J. (2010). Minority dental faculty development: Responsibility and challenge. J Dent Educ, 74(12),1388-93.
Su, Y. and Behar-Horenstein. L. (2017). Color-Blind Racial Beliefs Among Dental Students and Faculty. Journal of Dental Education, 81(9), 1098-1107.
Su, Y. and Behar-Horenstein, L. (2018). Assessment of Psychometric Properties of an Oral Health Care Measure of Cultural Competence Among Dental Students Using Rasch Partial Credit Model. Journal of Dental Education, 82 (10), 1105-1114.
Theile, C. (2011). Cultural Competence and the Delivery of Dental Hygiene Services: A Program Evaluation of Curriculum Effectiveness. Dissertation: Fielding Graduate University.
Tiwari, T., Jamieson, L., Broughton, J., Lawrence, H. P., Batliner, T. S., Arantes, R., & Albino, J. (2018). Reducing indigenous oral health inequalities: a review from 5 nations. Journal of Dental Research, 97(8), 869-877.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2010). “HHS Launches Oral Health Initiative.” Washington, DC: Author.
Victoroff, K., Williams, K. and Lalumandier, J. (2012). Dental Students’ Reflections on Their Experiences with a Diverse Patient Population. Journal of Dental Education, 77(8), 982-989.
Wides, C., Brody, H., Alexander, C., Gansky, S., and Mertz, E. (2013). Long-term outcomes of a dental postbaccalaureate program: Increasing dental student diversity and oral health care access. J Dent Educ, 77(5),537-47.
Zakariasen, K., Williams, K., and Lalumandier, J. (2013). Dental Students’ Reflections on Their Experiences with a Diverse Patient Population. Journal of Dental Education, 77 (8), 982-989.
Culturally Competent Program For Oral Health Professionals – Based on the HHS Office of Minority Health’s National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health and Health Care (CLAS), this e-learning program provides oral health professionals with basic knowledge and skills related to cultural and linguistic competency. (Link)
Hispanic Dental Association – Their mission is to be the leading voice for Hispanic Oral Health. They provide service, education-research, advocacy, and leadership for all healthcare professionals, to promote overall health of the Hispanic/Latinx and underrepresented communities. Their vision is to empower healthcare professionals to increase oral health equity and improve health care quality in the Hispanic/ Latinx, and underrepresented populations. (Link)
Disparities in Oral Health: This Center for Disease Control (CDC) site provides information on health disparities among children, adults and adults ages 65 and older as well resources that work to reduce these disparities. (Link)
Test and Dissemination of a Multicultural Dental Education Program:
Project Funded by Robert Wood Johnson (RWJF). Contact: James R. Freed, DDS, MPH -(310) 825-6733; [email protected]. This Project Produced The Following Audio-Visuals & Computer Software:
Cultural and Behavioral Issues in Dental Care: Stimulus Vignettes (10 minute videotape). Los Angeles, California: UCLA School of Dentistry, Regents of the University of California, 1996; Cultural and Behavioral Issues in Dental Care: Dentist-Patient 1 (46 minute videotape). Los Angeles, California: UCLA School of Dentistry, Regents of the University of California, 1996; Cultural and Behavioral Issues in Dental Care: Dentist-Patient 2 (37 minute videotape). Los Angeles, California: UCLA School of Dentistry, Regents of the University of California, 1996; Cultural and Behavioral Issues in Dental Care: Dentist-Patient 3 (32 minute videotape). Los Angeles, California: UCLA School of Dentistry, Regents of the University of California, 1996; Cultural and Behavioral Issues in Dental Care: Dentist-Patient 4 (34 minute videotape). Los Angeles, California: UCLA School of Dentistry, Regents of the University of California, 1996; Cultural and Behavioral Issues in Dental Care: Dentist-Patient 5 (21 minute videotape). Los Angeles, California: UCLA School of Dentistry, Regents of the University of California, 1996.