Cultural Humility


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Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMC)Live Humble: Practicing with Cultural Humility. The primary goal of this project is to improve students’ knowledge, skills, and values in cultural humility and structural inequity. This, in turn, will improve quality of care, particularly for those who have been stigmatized. This project's objectives are as follows:

• Define cultural humility and structural inequity and describe the dynamics of each;

• Describe the skills associated with cultural humility and structural inequity in interpersonal and clinical

• Choose to execute this three-part process in clinical encounters: a.) self-assess their own thoughts and
behavior, b.) be sensitive to the other’s values, beliefs, and priorities, and c.) identify and execute
effective strategies to diminish potential power differentials; and

• Value cultural humility. (Link)

Society of Hospital Medicine The (SHM) 5 Rs of Cultural Humility Pocket GuideThe Cultural Humility Workgroup of SHM’s Practice Management Committee developed a simple, universal framework to strengthen communication skills  raise awareness of cultural humility by: (1) committing to self-evaluation and self-critique, wanting to learn from every encounter; (2) readdressing power imbalances in the patient-provider dynamic; and (3) developing mutually beneficial partnerships between communities. SHM developed the 5 Rs of Cultural Humility as a simple pocket card tool for hospitalists to incorporate into their practice. The first four Rs (Reflection, Respect, Regard and Relevance) are extrinsically focused, while the fifth R (Resiliency) is intrinsic. The theory posits that if you attain the first four Rs in every interaction, it will serve to continue to build on and develop your own personal resiliency.  (Link)

Cultural Humility: People, Principles and Practices. Cultural Humility: This30-minute documentary by San Francisco State Professor Vivian Chávez, that mixes poetry with music, interviews, archival footage, images of community, nature and dance to explain what "Cultural Humility" is and why we need it.   Available on (Link)