Teaching & Training Cultural Competence
Annotated Links
Structural Competency Handouts: Developed by the Berkeley Rad Med Critical Social Medicine Collective Structural Competency Working Group., theses handouts include key concepts, a structural violence checklist, interventions, case studies and exercises. (Link)
APA Task Force on Race and Ethnicity Guidelines in Psychology: These guidelines provide aspirational guidance for the development of racial and ethnocultural responsiveness for psychological practice. Racial and ethno-cultural responsiveness means the continual development of knowledge, awareness, reflective practice, and skills needed to promote health, well-being, and equity for racially and ethnically diverse individuals and communities. Although the guidelines aim to be comprehensive, it is beyond the scope of any single document to provide an exhaustive review of all areas related to race and ethnicity. Instead, these guidelines are a starting point reflecting the current knowledge base and context. Citation: APA Task Force on Race and Ethnicity Guidelines in Psychology. (2019). APA guidelines on race and ethnicity in Psychology. (Link)
Brown University Training Materials: Cultural Competence and Community Studies: Concepts and Practices for Cultural Competence. The Northeast Education Partnership provides online access to PowerPoint training slides on topics in research ethics and cultural competence in environmental research. These have been created for professionals/students in environmental sciences, health, and policy; and community-based research. (Link). If you are interested in receiving an electronic copy of one the presentations, just download their Materials Request Form (found on the main Training Presentations page under "related files"), complete the form, and email it to [email protected].
Standards of Practice for Culturally Competent Nursing Care Executive Summary: A task force of the Expert Panel for Global Nursing and Health of the American Academy of Nursing, along with members of the Transcultural Nursing Society, has developed a set of standards for cultural competence in nursing practice. The aim of this project was to define standards that can be universally applied by nurses around the world in the areas of clinical practice, research, education, and administration, especially by nurses involved in direct patient care. The document includes a Preface and 12 Standards:
Standard 1. Social Justice
Standard 2. Critical Reflection
Standard 3. Knowledge of Cultures
Standard 4. Culturally Competent Practice
Standard 5. Cultural Competence in HealthCare Systems and Organizations
Standard 6. Patient Advocacy and Empowerment
Standard 7. Multicultural Workforce
Standard 8. Education and Training in Culturally Competent Care
Standard 9. Cross Cultural Communication
Standard 10. Cross Cultural Leadership
Standard 11. Policy Development
Standard 12. Evidence-Based Practice and Research
For each standard, a definition, supporting rationale, and numerous suggestions for implementation are provided. A glossary of terms is appended. All standards are based on the concepts of social justice and human rights, as defined by the United Nations and the International Council of Nurses. These concepts are manifested at a systems or governmental level by political, economic, and social policies that exhibit impartiality and objectivity. All task force members have experience working with peoples from a variety of cultures throughout the world. In developing this document, the task force reviewed more than 50 documents on cultural competence published by nursing and health care organizations worldwide. In addition, an on-line survey solicited comments from nurses in many countries. Responses from nurses representing a variety of settings and educational backgrounds were incorporated into the final document. Every attempt was made to develop standards that can be used globally. (Link)
Cultural Competence Education for Students in Medicine and Public Health (2012): The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and ASPH sponsored a Joint Expert Panel on Cultural Competence Education to develop a set of core cultural competencies appropriate for, though not limited to, medical and public health students. These competencies aim to help ensure the development and delivery of appropriate health care and population health services and policies and for a growing diverse population that includes those currently medically underserved. The competencies are designed to enable faculty in medical schools and graduate schools/programs of public health to standardize curricula, benchmark student performance, and prepare graduates for culturally competent practice. The panel additionally provided recommendations for embedding cultural competence education within and across curricula of medicine and public health, highlights of exemplary case studies, and a road map for the future. (Link)
Curriculum for Culturally Responsive Health Care: The Step-By-Step Guide for Cultural Competence Training: Authors Ring , Nyquist, Mitchell (2008) have published this manual comprising a curriculum for residencies and medical schools looking to implement new, or enhance existing, curricula in culturally responsive care. It describes teaching strategies that to learners and faculty alike, challenging them to grow in their attitudes, awareness, desire, knowledge and skills to effectively practice culturally responsive medicine. It demonstrates commitment to teaching culturally responsive medicine towards the elimination of health disparities, be they related to gender, race/ethnicity, income, sexual orientation, religious background or world view. The manual includes a step-by-step guide for each year of the curriculum, with detailed session descriptions, and sections on teaching techniques, evaluation tools, cultural competence exercises, together with information on further resources. (Link)
A Train The Trainer Guide: Health Disparities Education: Produced by the Society of General Internal Medicine Disparities Task Force in 2008 to provide teaching approaches to disparities education. (Link)
Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMC): Live Humble: Practicing with Cultural Humility. The primary goal of this project is to improve students’ knowledge, skills, and values in cultural humility and structural inequity. This, in turn, will improve quality of care, particularly for those who have been stigmatized. This project's objectives are as follows: 1) Define cultural humility and structural inequity and describe the dynamics of each; 2) Describe the skills associated with cultural humility and structural inequity in interpersonal and clinical settings; 3) Choose to execute this three-part process in clinical encounters: a) self-assess their own thoughts and behavior, b) be sensitive to the other’s values, beliefs, and priorities, and c) identify and execute effective strategies to diminish potential power differentials; and 4) Value cultural humility. (Link)
Transforming the Face of Health Professions Through Cultural & Linguistic Competence Education: The Role of the HRSA Centers of Excellence: This curriculum guide, “Transforming the Face of Health Professions Through Cultural & Linguistic Competence Education: The Role of the HRSA Centers of Excellence,” is one result of the efforts of HRSA and the COEs. While directed to Centers of Excellence funded by the HRSA, the guide is applicable to any health care program or institution. The aim on this document is to provide the health professions with strategies, tools, and resources for implementing and integrating cultural and linguistic competency content and methods into existing academic programs under the leadership of the HRSA Centers of Excellence. (Link)
Cultural Competency in Medical Education: A Guidebook for Schools: The Guidebook provides an explanation of why culturally competent medical education is important and includes: it includes, strategies for preparing medical school faculty to teach cultural competency through integration; a suggested curriculum outline for cultural competency that can be tailored to any school; a look at ways to evaluated the efficacy of a culturally competent medical education and student/faculty performance within it; detailed methods for student instruction in cultural competency, based on existing curriculum type; a blueprint for making cultural competency an integrated part of an institution. (Link)
Cultural Competence Education for Medical Students: Produced by the Association of American Medical Colleges in 2005, these guidelines assist medical schools in their efforts to integrate cultural competence content into their curricula. This document discusses what cultural competence is, criteria for a culturally competence curriculum, and how to assess and evaluate students in cross-cultural by using the Tool for Assessing Cultural Competence Training (TACCT). (Link)
Tool for Assessing Cultural Competence Training (TACCT): The TACCT is a self-administered assessment tool that can be used by medical schools to examine all components of the entire medical school curriculum. TACCT enables schools to identify gaps and redundancies in their curricula, which will enable schools to make the best use of opportunities and resources. The TACCT can be used for both traditional and problem-based curricula. An AAMC project—called "Medical Education and Cultural Competence: A Strategy to Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care" and made possible by The Commonwealth Fund—developed TACCT to assess cultural-competence training in medical schools. (Link)
Quality Interactions: A Patient-Based Approach to Cross-Cultural Care: Developed in 2004 by three physicians who are leaders in the field of cross-cultural health care (Betancourt, Green, & Carrillo), this educational resource is an interactive e-learning course designed to improve your ability to deliver quality care to culturally diverse patient populations. It is based on the nationally recognized curriculum developed for and used by the country’s leading medical schools and academic health centers. It is a certified Continuing Medical Education (CME) program for physicians and a Continuing Education Unit (CEU) program for nurses and other health care providers. (Link)
A Physician's Guide to Culturally Competent Care Project: Sponsored by by the American Institutes of Research and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health. The project consists of the development and testing of a set of modules to train family physicians to be culturally competent according to the principles of the National Standards on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services. (Link)
The Culturally Competent Nursing Modules (CCNM) Project: Sponsored by the American Institutes of Research and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health is designed to help nurses better meet the cultural and linguistic needs of an increasingly diverse patient population, by offering them a case-based curriculum to improve skills in providing culturally competent nursing care. (Link)
HealthBegins: Health begins upstream provides upstream education and training for healthcare professionals. Their practical, skills-oriented educational content and training materials, along with an Upstream Quality Improvement approach, is used across the country as part of curricula in universities, medical schools, and other graduate schools and continuing medical education (CME) courses. (Link)
Cultural Competency-MUSC: The College of Medicine Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) has developed a website focusing on cultural competency in health professions’ education. Topics of discussion include tips for providing culturally competence care, culturally sensitive medical interviewing tools, working with interpreters, traditional beliefs, alternative medicine, transcultural healthcare resources, and religious and spiritual issues. (link)
Race, Ethnicity, and Culture in Health (REACH) Action Committee: The Race, Ethnicity, and Culture in Health (REACH) committee aims to reduce health disparities between different racial, ethnic and cultural groups through advocacy, education and service. Their goals include: strengthening cultural competency in medical education, promoting diversity of the physician workforce, and empowering future physicians to actively engage in the political and social movement towards health equity. (Link)
Multicultural Pavilion: Includes resources, such as experiential exercises on becoming culturally competent, for educators and trainers. (Link)
JAMARDA Resources Inc. : This website provides resources in clinical diversity training and education products for healthcare educators. (Link)
Structural Competency: New Medicine for Inequalities That Are Making Us Sick: This site provides access to training materials (e.g., articles, webinars, curriculum) on structural competence from a global structural competency network. (Link)
Structural Competency Working Group: The Structural Competency Working Group is comprised of healthcare workers, scholars, public health professionals, students, educators, and other community members. They help promote the training of health professionals in structural competency and have developed and disseminate open-use structural competency curricula. (Link)
Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA): Culture Learning: Simulations & Exercises webpage- Games are a fun and effective way to introduce issues of cultural awareness and intercultural communications to students. The information on this webpage, compiled by the Intercultural Studies Project, is a good place to start looking for specific cultural simulations and exercises and for ways to incorporate them into the curriculum.(Link)
Journal Issues Dedicated to Cultural Competence Training:
- Journal of Nursing Education. (2006). Volume 45, Issue 7. This July issue is devoted to cultural competence in nursing education.
- Journal of Nursing Education. (2003). Volume 42, Issue 8. This June issue is devoted to cultural competence in nursing education.
- Journal of Transcultural Nursing. (2002). Volume 13, Issue 3, presents several theoretical and conceptual models as well as frameworks to organize knowledge about transcultural nursing and health care.
- Journal of Nursing Education. (2007). Volume 48, Issue 6. This June issue is devoted to diversity in nursing education.
- The Journal of General Internal Medicine (2010). The Journal of General Internal Medicine dedicated its May 2010 supplement to health disparities education. This supplement focuses on approaches to teaching health disparities and health disparities curriculums for students.
E-Learning/Video Programs
Quality InteractionsSM. A Patient-Based Approach to Cross-Cultural Care is a one hour, continuing medical education (CME) course designed for physicians. The course provides physicians and clinicians with the tools and skills to communicate more effectively with patients from diverse backgrounds. The course provides an interactive case study of an African American male with asthma. (Link)
Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making us Sick? Produced by California Newsreel, this film is a seven- part documentary series exploring racial and socioeconomic inequalities in health. Discussion Guides for Unnatural Causes to use with the PBS documentary series. Unnatural Causes. (Link)
The Deadliest Disease in America: This is a documentary film produced and directed by Crystal R. Emery, traces the history of racism in American healthcare, beginning with the brutal medical experimentation that slaves were forced to undergo. As this story unfolds over our nation’s history, the very same inequalities and biases continue to plague our healthcare system, creating disparities in the quality of care that Black and Brown people are afforded. Interwoven with the testimonies of experts and medical practitioners are the personal stories of patients who have been victimized by healthcare inequities, including the filmmaker’s own experiences as a quadriplegic African American woman. The COVID-19 pandemic is an exclamation point calling attention to these existing disparities, as we have witnessed communities of color experience disproportionately high rates of infection, staggering losses of life, and increased economic hardship. (Link)
California Newsreel Film and Video. Produces and distributes cutting edge, social justice films that inspire, educate and engage audiences. (Link)
Worlds Apart: A Four-Part Series on Cross Cultural Healthcare. Fanlight Productions. These unique trigger films follow patients and families faced with critical medical decisions, as they navigate their way through the health care system. (Link)
Media Partnerships Diversity Training Videos. Thought provoking and award-winning selection of diversity training videos to help you build a culture of inclusion. (link)
Communicating Effectively Through an Interpreter. This 28-minute video/DVD is designed to help providers in: choosing an appropriate interpreter, recognizing the signs of professional and unprofessional interpretation, working effectively with a trained interpreter, and guiding an untrained interpreter. (Link)Cultural Competence & Diversity Training. This site shows all the website content related to Cultural Competence Training. (Link)
Cultural Issues in the Clinical Setting. Kaiser Permanente’s MultiMedia Communications department and the Educational Theatre Program’s CareActors, the brief but dramatic vignettes are accompanied by support materials for facilitators and participants. These materials will be sent on a compact disc and are included in the price. The vignettes, scripted with the help of physicians, nurses and medical anthropologists, raise numerous issues around differing health beliefs and practices, values in conflict, stereotyping, overt and covert prejudices and language barriers as they occur in healthcare settings. Support materials provide questions and discussion points for each vignette. This format lends itself equally well to a series of short modules (30 minutes) or incorporation into a longer workshop. (Link)
Culturally Competent Healthcare Videos. In 2013, healthcare industry leaders gathered at DiversityInc’s special event, “Culturally Competent Healthcare: How Diversity Creates Better Patient Outcomes,” to discuss health disparities, supplier diversity, clinical trials, Black and Latino physician shortages, and other issues facing patient care today. (Link)
The Angry Heart: Impact of Racism on Heart Disease Among African Americans. By Jay Fedigan. Available from Fanlight Productions. (link)
The Color of Fear (Film). Lee, M., Hunter, M., Goss, R., & Bock, R. (2000). Stir-Fry Productions, & Stir-Fry Seminars & Consulting. (2000). The color of fear: A film [Motion picture]. Oakland, CA: Stir-Fry Seminars & Consulting. (Link)
A Class Divided (Film). Elliott, J. (2003). Yale University, WGBH (Television station: Boston, MA), & PBS DVD (Film). (2003). A class divided [Motion picture]. New Haven, CT: Yale University Films. (Link)
Crash (Film). Haggis, P., and Yari, B. (2004). Crash [Motion picture]. United States: Lions Gate Films. (Link)
Ackerman-Barger, K., London, M., & White, D. (2020). When an omitted curriculum becomes a hidden curriculum: Let’s teach to promote health equity. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 31(4S), 182–192.
Ajjawi, R., Crampton, P. E. S., Ginsburg, S., Mubuuke, G. A., Hauer, K. E., Illing, J., Mattick, K., Monrouxe, L., Nadarajah, V. D., Vu, N. V., Wilkinson, T., Wolvaardt, L., & Cleland, J. (2022). Promoting inclusivity in health professions education publishing. Medical Education, 56(3), 252–256.
Ang, W., Verpooten, L., De Winter, B., & Bombeke, K. (2020). Stereotype rebound: From cultural competence to diversity awareness. Medical Education, 54(5), 468–469. https:// doi. org/ 10. 1111/ medu. 14110
Arruzza E., Chau M. (2021). The effectiveness of cultural competence education in enhancing knowledge acquisition, performance, attitudes, and student satisfaction among undergraduate health science students: A scoping review. Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions, 18(3), 1–11.Amutah, C., Greenidge, K., Mante, A., Munyikwa, M., Surya, S. L., Higginbotham, E., ... & Aysola, J. (2021). Misrepresenting race—the role of medical schools in propagating physician bias. New England Journal of Medicine, 384(9), 872-878.
Avant, N. D., & Gillespie, G. L. (2019). Pushing for health equity through structural competency and implicit bias education: a qualitative evaluation of a racial/ethnic health disparities elective course for pharmacy learners. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 11(4), 382-393.
Bailey GB, Crow Cruz C, Mallow A, Alvarado A (2024). Developing Culturally Competent and Emotionally Intelligent Social Work Leaders. Adv Res Psych & Behav Sci 1.
Bauer K., Bai Y. (2018). Using a model to design activity-based educational experiences to improve cultural competency among graduate students. Pharmacy, 6(2), 48.Bell, B. (2021). White dominance in nursing education: A target for anti‐racist efforts. Nursing Inquiry, 28(1), e12379.
Bell, B. (2021). White dominance in nursing education: A target for anti-racist efforts. Nursing Inquiry, 28(1), e12379.
Bennett, C., Hamilton, E. K., & Rochani, H. (2019). Exploring Race in Nursing: Teaching Nursing Students about Racial Inequality Using the Historical Lens. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 24(2).
Blackie, M., Wear, D., & Zarconi, J. (2019). Narrative intersectionality in caring for marginalized or disadvantaged patients: Thinking beyond categories in medical education and care. Academic Medicine, 94(1), 59–63.
Bochatay, N., Bajwa, N. M., Ju, M., Appelbaum, N. P., & van Schaik, S. M. (2022). Towards equitable learning environments for medical education: Bias and the intersection of social identities. Medical Education, 56(1), 82–90. https:// doi. org/ 10. 1111/ medu. 14602
Bonini, S. M., & Matias, C. E. (2021). The impact of whiteness on the education of nurses. Journal of Professional Nursing, 37(3), 620–625.
Botelho, M., and Lima, C. (2020). From Cultural Competence to Cultural Respect: A Critical Review of Six Models. Journal of Nursing Education, 59(6), 311-318.
Brottman, M. R., Char, D. M., Hattori, R. A., Heeb, R., & Taff, S. D. (2020). Toward cultural competency in health care: A scoping review of the diversity and inclusion education literature. Academic Medicine, 95(5), 803-813.
Brown, J. V., Spicer, K. J., & French, E. (2021). Exploring the inclusion of cultural competence, cultural humility, and diversity concepts as learning objectives or outcomes in healthcare curricula. Journal of Best Practices in Health Professions Diversity, 14(1), 63-81.
Buchanan, K., Velandia, M., Weckend, M., & Bayes, S. (2021). Learning objectives of cultural immersion programs: A scoping review. Nurse Education Today, 100, 104832.
Burnett, A., Moorley, C., Grant, J., Kahin, M., Sagoo, R., Rivers, E., De-ravin, L., & Darbyshire, P. (2020). Dismantling racism in education: In 2020, the year of the nurse & midwife, “it’s time.” Nurse Educa-tion Today, 93, 104532.
Burson, R. C., Familusi, O. O., & Clapp, J. T. (2022). Imagining the ‘structural’ in medical education and practice in the United States: A curricular investigation. Social Science & Medicine, 300:114453.
Carney, P. A., Taylor, C., Frutos, R., Spector, D., & Brodt, E. (2019). Indigenizing academics through leadership, awareness, and healing: The impact of a Native American health seminar series for health professionals, students, and community. Journal of Community Health, 44, 1027-1036.
Castillo, E. G., Isom, J., DeBonis, K. L., Jordan, A., Braslow, J. T., & Rohrbaugh, R. (2020). Reconsidering systems-based practice: Advancing structural competency, health equity, and social responsibility in graduate medical education. Academic medicine: journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 95(12), 1817.
Chae, D., Kim, J., Kimm, S., Lee, J. & Park, S. (2020). Effectiveness of cultural competence educational interventions on health professionals and patient outcomes: A systematic review. Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 17(3): e12326.
Chambers, J. E., & Ratliff, G. A. (2019). Structural competency in child welfare: Opportunities and applications for addressing disparities and stigma. J. Soc. & Soc. Welfare, 46, 51.
Charania, N. A. M. A., & Patel, R. (2022). Diversity, equity, and inclu-sion in nursing education: Strategies and processes to support inclu-sive teaching. Journal of Professional Nursing, 42, 67–72. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2022.05.013 PMID:36150880
Chin, M. H., Orlov, N. M., Callender, B. C., Dolan, J. A., Miller, D. C., Peek, M. E., ... & Vela, M. B. (2022). Improvisational and standup comedy, graphic medicine, and theatre of the oppressed to teach advancing health equity. Academic Medicine, 97(12), 1732-1737.
Coleman, T. (2020). Anti-racism in nursing education: Recommendations for racial justice praxis. Journal of Nursing Education, 59(11), 642–645.
Constantinou, C. S., Papageorgiou, A., Samoutis, G., & McCrorie, P. (2018). Acquire, apply, and activate knowledge: A pyramid model for teaching and integrating cultural competence in medical curricula. Patient Education and Counseling, 101(6), 1147-1151.
Corral I., Johnson T. L., Shelton P. G., Glass O. (2017). Psychiatry resident training in cultural competence: An educator’s toolkit. Psychiatric Quarterly, 88(2), 295–306.
Costa, M., Griswold, M. K., & Canty, L. (2024). Nursing student perceptions of racism and health disparities in the United States: A critical race theory perspective. Nursing Outlook, 72(3), 102172.
Darban, F., Farokhzadian, J., Nematollahi, M., Heydarikhayat, N., & Faramarzpour, M. (2024). Nursing educators' experiences of cultural competence in the nursing education program: A qualitative descriptive study. Journal of Professional Nursing, 54, 142-150.
Dickinson, T., & Mkandawire-Valhmu, L. (2022). Inclusive Nursing Education. Journal of Nursing Education, 61(8), 427-428.
Downey, M. M., & Gómez, A. M. (2018). Structural competency and reproductive health. AMA Journal of Ethics, 20(3), 211-223.
Draper, J. K., Feltner, C., Vander Schaaf, E. B., & Malchuk, A. M. (2022). Preparing medical students to address health disparities through longitudinally integrated social justice curricula: a systematic review. Academic medicine, 97(8), 1226-1235.
Drevdahl, D. J. (2018). Culture shifts: From cultural to structural theorizing in nursing. Nursing research, 67(2), 146-160.
Effland, K. J., Hays, K., Ortiz, F. M., & Blanco, B. A. (2020). Incorpo-rating an equity agenda into health professions education and training to build a more representative workforce. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health, 65(1), 149–159.
Fadaeinia, M. M., Miri, S., Azizzadeh Forouzi, M., Roy, C., & Farokhzadian, J. (2022). Improving Cultural Competence and Self-Efficacy Among Postgraduate Nursing Students: Results of an Online Cultural Care Training Program. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 33(5), 642-651.
Farokhzadian, J., Nematollahi, M., Dehghan Nayeri, N., & Faramarzpour, M. (2022). Using a model to design, implement, and evaluate a training program for improving cultural competence among undergraduate nursing students: a mixed methods study. BMC nursing, 21(1), 1-17.
Frank, G. C., Centinaje, E., Gatdula, N., Garcia, M., Nguyen-Rodriguez, S. T., Bird, M., & Rios-Ellis, R. B. (2021). Culturally Relevant Health Education: A Foundation for Building Cultural Competence of Health Professionals. Californian Journal of Health Promotion, 19(1), 13-21.
Frizell, C., Stewart-Clark, S. and Miles, M. (2023). Utilising cultural competemility as an anti-racism framework in medical education. Medical Education 57 (11), 1137-1138.
Fuentes, M. A., Zelaya, D. G., & Madsen, J. W. (2021). Rethinkingthe course syllabus: Considerations for promoting equity, diver-sity, and inclusion. Teaching of Psychology, 48(1), 69–79. https://doi.org/10.1177/0098628320959979
Garland R., Batty M. L. (2021). Moving beyond the rhetoric of social justice in nursing education: Guidance for nurse educators committed to anti-racist pedagogical practice. Witness: The Canadian Journal of Critical Nursing Discourse, 3(1), 17–30
Godley, B. A., Dayal, D., Manekin, E., & Estroff, S. E. (2020). Toward an anti-racist curriculum: Incorporating art into medical education to improve empathy and structural competency. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development, 7, 2382120520965246.
Gomez, M., & Darnell, L. (2020). Developing Cultural Competence in Future Healthcare Professionals. In Cultural Competence in Higher Education (Vol. 28, pp. 155-169). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Gradellini, C., Gómez-Cantarino, S., Dominguez-Isabel, P., Molina-Gallego, B., Mecugni, D., & Ugarte-Gurrutxaga, M. I. (2021). Cultural Competence and Cultural Sensitivity Education in University Nursing Courses. A Scoping Review. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.
Grossman, L. G., Mechanic, O. J., Orr, Z., Cioe‐Peña, E. C., Landry, A., Unger, S., ... & Alpert, E. A. (2021). An analysis of social determinants of health and structural competency training in global emergency medicine fellowship programs in the United States. AEM Education and Training, 5, S28-S32.
Gruner, D., Feinberg, Y., Venables, M. J., Shanza Hashmi, S., Saad, A., Archibald, D., & Pottie, K. (2022). An undergraduate medical education framework for refugee and migrant health: Curriculum development and conceptual approaches. BMC Medical Education, 22(1), 374.
Hang, W., Terry, D. & Peck, B. (2023). Enhancing Students' Cultural Competency in Tertiary Health Education Using Internationalization at Home: A Literature Review Journal of Nursing Education, 62(4):199–206.
Hansen, H., & Metzl, J. M. (2017). New medicine for the US health care system: Training physicians for structural interventions. Academic medicine: Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 92(3), 279.
Hansen, H., Braslow, J., & Rohrbaugh, R. M. (2018). From cultural to structural competency—Training psychiatry residents to act on social determinants of health and institutional racism. JAMA psychiatry, 75(2), 117-118.
Hansen, H. & Metzl, J. (2019). Structural Competency in mental health and medicine: A Case-based approach to treating the social determinants of health. NY: Springer Publishers.
Harvey, M., Neff, J., Knight, K. R., Mukherjee, J. S., Shamasunder, S., Le, P. V., ... & Holmes, S. M. (2022). Structural competency and global health education. Global public health, 17(3), 341-362.
Hassen, N., Lofters, A., Michael, S., Mall, A., Pinto, A. D., & Rackal, J. (2021). Implementing anti-racism interventions in healthcare settings: a scoping review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(6), 2993.
Hart, J., and Kocher, A. (2022). Impacts of Teaching Critical Race Theory and Applying Contact Theory Methods to Student’s Cross-Cultural Competency in Diversity Courses. Teaching Sociology. June 2022. (Link)
Herzog, L. S., Wright, S. R., Pennington, J. J., & Richardson, L. (2021). The KAIROS blanket exercise: Engaging Indigenous ways of knowing to foster critical consciousness in medical education. Medical Teacher, 43(12), 1437–1443. https:// doi. org/ 10. 1080/ 01421 59X. 2021. 19566 79
Hunt, J. E. (2022). Making space for disability studies within a structurally competent medical curriculum: Reflections on long covid. (Link)
Iheduru-Anderson, K., Valderama-Wallace, C., Bigger, S. E., & Narruhn, R. (2023). A Critical Discourse Analysis of AACN’s Tool Kit of Resources for Cultural Competent Education for Baccalaureate Nurses. Global Qualitative Nursing Research, 10, 23333936231214420.
Iheduru-Anderson, K. C., & Wahi, M. M. (2020). Proposal for a global agenda to eliminate racism in nursing and nursing education. In E. Sengupta, P. Blessinger, & C. Mahoney (Eds.), Civil society and so-cial responsibility in higher education: International perspectives on curriculum and teaching development (pp. 17-43). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Iheduru-Anderson, K. C., & Wahi, M. M. (2021). Rejecting the myth of equal opportunity: An agenda to eliminate racism in nursing education in the United States. BMC Nursing, 20, 30.
Johnson, C., Rastetter, M., & Olayiwola, J. N. (2022). Pathways to equity: A pilot study implementing a health equity leadership curriculum in residency education as an antidote to systemic racism. Journal of the National Medical Association.
Jongen, C., McCalman, J., & Bainbridge, R. (2018). Health workforce cultural competency interventions: A systematic scoping review. BMC health services research, 18(1), 1-15.
Jongen, C., McCalman, J., Bainbridge, R., & Clifford, A. (2018). Cultural competence in health: a review of the evidence. Singapore: Springer.
Klenner, M., Mariño, R., Pineda, P., Espinoza, G., & Zaror, C. (2022). Cultural Competence in the nursing, dentistry, and medicine professional curricula: A qualitative review. BMC Medical Education, 22(1), 686.
Kobeissi, M. M., Kearney, K., Christopherson, K., & Ramirez, E. G. (2024). The Syllabus: A Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Nursing Education. Journal of Nursing Education, 1-4.
Krishnan, A., Rabinowitz, M., Ziminsky, A., Scott, S. M., & Chretien, K. C. (2019). Addressing race, culture, and structural inequality in medical education: A guide for revising teaching cases. Academic Medicine, 94(4), 550-555.
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