Interprofessional Simulation Cases for Cultural Competence - The Center for International Rehabilitation Research Information & Exchange (CIRRIE) presents simulated clinical encounters with manikins and standardized patients for cultural competence training of rehabilitation students or providers. (link)
The Culturally Competent Care Education Committee (CCCEC) at Harvard Medical School (HMS) - CCCEC created this on-line resource center to share resources and information on initiatives in cross cultural education. They have a compilation of case studies (link) that present dilemmas in the delivery of Culturally Competent Care.
Simulation Education Diversity Assessment tool V10 -
Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMC) - Theresa A. Thomas Professional Skills Teaching and Assessment Center mission is to teach and assess clinical competencies in medical interviewing, clinical reasoning, ethical dilemmas, communication skills, physical examination, and the application of clinical knowledge. To accomplish their objectives, they use the services of standardized patients (SPs) from the community who are trained to present a clinical scenario, assess performance, and provide feedback to learners. They have developed SPs that address cultural issues. For more information contact: Gayle Gliva-McConvey; Email: [email protected]
Maimonides Medical Center Department of Pediatrics - Dr. Altshuler was previously Co-Director of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics and Director of the Kids Weight Down Program and led an interdisciplinary team to deliver training and patient care. In 1998, she headed the Maimonides Department of Pediatrics Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) Training Committee. This group developed the first Culture OSCE in 1999, and has been implementing formative OSCEs for residents at Maimonides Medical Center and other teaching institutions since then. Contact: Lisa Altshuler, PhD; mail: [email protected]
Hablamos Juntos Educational Partners Website - The University of California, Irvine, College of Medicine (UC Irvine) has developed an extension and implementation of their standardized patient program to include the Latino Standardize Patient Program for conditions present in the Latino Community. This program focuses on clinical conditions, which have a high level of incidence and prevalence in the Latino community. This information will be available to other interested educational programs. (Link)
Culture Learning: Simulations & Exercises - This website, compiled by the Intercultural Studies Project, is comprised of cultural simulations, exercises, films, and videos related to culture, that can be incorporated into the curriculum as starting points for classroom discussions of such issues. (Link)
Arif, S., Cryder, B., Mazan, J., Quiñones-Boex, A., & Cyganska, A. (2017). Using patient case video vignettes to improve students’ understanding of cross-cultural communication. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 81(3), 56.
Behnke, C. (2021). Using Simulation to educate Rural NP Students about cultural congruence. The Journal of Nurse Practitioners., 17(4), 476-480.
Benjamin, J. Z., Heredia Jr, D., Han, T., Kirtley, A. T., Morrison, E. J., & Leffler, J. M. (2021). Implementation of a cross-cultural simulation workshop: Feasibility and training satisfaction. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 15(1), 45.
Buchanan, D. T., & O'Connor, M. R. (2020). Integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion into a simulation program. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 49, 58-65.
Byrne, D. (2020). Evaluating the level of cultural competence in undergraduate nursing students using standardized patients in simulation. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 15(1), 57-60.
Cantey, D., Randolph, S., Molloy, M., Carter, B., and Cary, M. (2017). Student-Developed Simulations: Enhancing Cultural Awareness and Understanding Social Determinants of Health. Journal of Nursing Education, 56(4), 243-246.
Charnetski, M. D., Asoodar, M., Yu, H., & van Mook, W. (2024). Cultural Considerations in the Formal Process of Simulation Curriculum Adaptation: A Scoping Review. Simulation in Healthcare, 19(3), 164-175.
Chianáin, L. N., Fallis, R., Johnston, J., McNaughton, N., & Gormley, G. (2021). Nothing about me without me: a scoping review of how illness experiences inform simulated participants’ encounters in health profession education. BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning, 7(6), 611.
Colvin, A. (2020). Using Simulated Instruction to Prepare Students to Engage in Culturally Competent Practice. Journal of Social Work in the Global Community, 5(1), 1–18. DOI: 10.5590/JSWGC.2020.05.1.01
Conigliaro, R. L., Peterson, K. D., & Stratton, T. D. (2020). Lack of diversity in simulation technology: an educational limitation? Simulation in Healthcare, 2(15), 112-114.
Craig, S., Whitlow, M. L., Quatrara, B., Kastello, J., Ackard, R., Mitchell, E. M., & Kools, S. (2022). A focused checklist for constructing equitable, diverse, and inclusive simulation experiences. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 71, 87-91.
Del Pino, F. J. P., Arrogante, O., Simonelli-Muñoz, A. J., Gallego-Gómez, J. I., & Jiménez-Rodríguez, D. (2022). Use of high-fidelity clinical simulation for the development of cultural competence of nursing students. Nurse Education Today, 116, 105465.
Díaz, D. A., Murillo, C., Bryant, K., Bajaj, K., Foronda, C. L., & Park, C. (2022). The alarm has sounded for equity in health care simulation. Now what?. NLN Nursing Edge.
Díaz, D. A., Murillo, C. L., Bryant, K., Todd, A., Uzosike, A., & Foronda, C. L. (2023). The Use of Racial and Ethnic Health care Disparities in Simulation-Based Experiences: A Systematic Review. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 83, 101440.
Drevdahl, D. J. (2018). Impersonating culture: The effects of using simulated experiences to teach cultural competence. Journal of Professional Nursing.
Everson, N., Levett-Jones, T., Pitt, V., Lapkin, S., Van Der Riet, P., Rossiter, R., ... & Pratt, H. C. (2018). Analysis of the empathic concern subscale of the emotional response questionnaire in a study evaluating the impact of a 3D cultural simulation. International journal of nursing education scholarship, 15(1).
Fioravanti, M., Hagle, H., Puskar, K., Knapp, E., Kane, I., Lindsay, D., Terhorst L. and Mitchell, A. M. (2018). Creative learning through the use of simulation to teach nursing students screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment for alcohol and other drug use in a culturally competent manner. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. 29(4), 387-394.
Foronda, C., Prather, S. L., Baptiste, D., Townsend-Chambers, C., Mays, L., & Graham, C. (2020). Underrepresentation of racial diversity in simulation: an international study. Nursing Education Perspectives, 41(3), 152-156.
Foronda, C., Baptiste, D., Pfaff, T., Velez, R., Reinholdt, M., Sanchez, M. and Hudson, KJ. (2018). Cultural Competency and Cultural Humility in Simulation-Based Education: An Integrative Review. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 15: 42-60.
Foronda, C., Jefferies, K., & Walshe, N. (2022). Teaching equity, diversity, and inclusion through simulation: A new science. Clinical simulation in nursing, 71, 1-2.
Foronda, C., McDermott, D. S., & Crenshaw, N. (2022). Prebriefing for cultural humility©. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 71, 141-145.
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Fung, J. T. C., Chan, S. L., Takemura, N., Chiu, H. Y., Huang, H. C., Lee, J. E., ... & Lin, C. C. (2023). Virtual simulation and problem-based learning enhance perceived clinical and cultural competence of nursing students in Asia: A randomized controlled cross-over study. Nurse Education Today, 105721.
Garvey, L., Mackelprang, J. L., Bhowmik, J., Cassar, N., Delbridge, R., El-Ansary, D., ... & Williams, A. (2022). Enhancing Cultural Capabilities Amongst Health Professions Students: A Pilot Study of Interprofessional Tag Team Simulation. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 62, 83-91.
Graham, C., Atz, T., Phillips, S., Newman, S. & Foronda, C. (2018). Exploration of a racially diverse sample of nursing students’ satisfaction, self-efficacy, and perceptions of simulation using racially diverse manikins: A mixed methods pilot study. Clin Simul Nurs., 15:19-26.
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Harvey, N. R., & Wynn, S. T. (2022). Simulating the Refugee Experience to Cultivate Cultural Competence and Sensitivity. Journal of Christian Nursing, 39(1), 47-51.
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