Health Equity and Social Justice

Articles & Resources

Abu, V. K. (2025). “We need a toolkit”: A response to nursing students and educators’ viewpoints on promoting social justice nursing practice. Nursing Outlook73(1), 102340.

Akbulut, N., & Razum, O. (2022). Why Othering should be considered in research on health inequalities: Theoretical perspectives and research needs. SSM-population health20, 101286.

Alcaraz, K. I., & Yanez, B. R. (2022). Interventions to promote health equity: Implications for implementation science in behavioral medicine. Translational behavioral medicine12(9), 885-888.

American Academy of Nursing’s 2025 – 2026 Policy Priorities to Achieve Health Equity. Nursing Outlook, 73(1), 102364

American Medical Association (AMA).  AMA Center for Health Equity. (Link)

American Medical Colleges. (2021) Advancing Health Equity: Guide on Language, Narrative and Concepts. (Link)

Avant, D. W. (2022). When Privilege and Oppression Become “Real” in the Life of Emerging Social Workers. Journal of Teaching in Social Work42(1), 1-14.

Bailey, Z., Krieger, N. (2017). Structural racism and health inequities in the USA: Evidence and interventions. Lancet, 389:1453–1463.

Barnes, M. (2016). Impact of service-learning on leadership and an interest in social justice.  Journal of Nursing Education, 55(1), 24–30.

Beard, K., I. U. Iruka, D. Laraque-Arena, V. McBride Murry, L. J. Rodríguez, and S. Taylor. (2022). Dismantling Systemic Racism and Advancing Health Equity throughout Research. NAM Perspectives. Commentary, National Academy of Medicine, Washington, DC.

Bennett, C, Hamilton, EK, & Rochani, H. (2019). Exploring race in nursing: Teaching nursing  students about racial inequality using the historical lens. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 24(2).

Berger, J. T., & Miller, D. R. (2021). Health disparities, systemic racism, and failures of cultural competence. The American Journal of Bioethics21(9), 4-10.

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Browne, A. J., Varcoe, C., & Ward, C. (2021). San’yas Indigenous Cultural Safety Training as an Educational Intervention: Promoting Anti-Racism and Equity in Health Systems, Policies, and PracticesInternational Indigenous Policy Journal12(3), 1-26.

Blumenfeld, W.J. (2019). The what, the so what, and the now what of social justice education. NY: Peter Lang.

Butler, L. M., Arya, V., Nonyel, N. P., & Moore, T. S. (2021). The Rx-HEART framework to address health equity and racism within pharmacy education. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education85(9), 984-993.

Byrd, J. T., Daniels, C. L., Flores, D. D., Kayle, M., Lewinski, A. A., Smith, J. B., … & Tanabe, P. J. (2022). Establishing a research racial justice task force to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion in nursing research. Nursing outlook70(5), 758-761.

Campinha-Bacote, J. (2024). Promoting Health Equity Among Marginalized and Vulnerable Populations. Nursing Clinics of North America, 59(1), 109-120.

Castillo, E. G., Isom, J., DeBonis, K. L., Jordan, A., Braslow, J. T., & Rohrbaugh, R. (2020). Reconsidering systems-based practice: Advancing structural competency, health equity, and social responsibility in graduate medical education. Academic medicine: journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges95(12), 1817.

Carey, T. S., Bekemeier, B., Campos-Outcalt, D., Koch-Weser, S., Millon-Underwood, S., & Teutsch, S. (2020). National Institutes of Health Pathways to Prevention Workshop: Achieving health equity in preventive services. Annals of Internal Medicine, 172(4), 272-278.

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Chandler, C. E., Williams, C. R., Turner, M. W., & Shanahan, M. E. (2022). Training public health students in racial justice and health equity: A systematic review. Public Health Reports137(2), 375-385.

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Conley, S., Al-Saleh, S., & Chlan, L. L. (2023). Disability research must be a priority for nurses to advance health equity. Nursing Outlook, 101986.

Cooke, C. L., Boutain, D. M., Banks, J., & Oakley, L. D. (2022). Health equity knowledge development: A conversation with Black nurse researchers. Nursing inquiry29(1), e12463.

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Coulter, E., McQueen, C., Abu-Jurji, Z., Chan-Emery, I., Rukavina, M., Solecki, R., … & Dhir, J. (2024). Development and delivery of justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, and anti-oppression concepts in entry-level health professional education: A scoping review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis22(6), 1103-1114.

Curtis, E., Jones, R., Tipene-Leach, D. et al. (2018). Why cultural safety rather than cultural competency is required to achieve health equity: A literature review and recommended definition. Int J Equity Health, 18: 174.

Crear-Perry, J., Maybank, A., Keeys, M., Mitchell, N., & Godbolt, D. (2020). Moving towards anti-racist praxis in medicine. The Lancet396(10249), 451-453.

Dail, R. B., & Santos, H. P. (2022). Advancing diversity, equity, inclusivity and accessibility through methods and approaches in nursing research. Nursing Outlook70(5), 697-699.

DallaPiazza, M., Ayyala, M. S., & Soto-Greene, M. L. (2020). Empowering future physicians to advocate for health equity: A blueprint for a longitudinal thread in undergraduate medical education. Medical Teacher42(7), 806-812.

Daly, K., & Pauly, B. (2022). Nurse Navigation to Address Health Equity: Teaching Nursing Students to Take Action on Social Determinants of Health. Nurse Educator47(1), E5-E6.

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Dickerson, V. 2025. Nursing science’s commitment to health equity during times of uncertainty. Nursing Outlook, 73(1),102363

Draper, J. K., Feltner, C., Vander Schaaf, E. B., & Malchuk, A. M. (2022). Preparing medical students to address health disparities through longitudinally integrated social justice curricula: A systematic review. Academic Medicine97(8), 1226-1235.

Effland, K., Hays, K., Ortiz, F., and Blanco, B. (2020). Incorporating an equity agenda into health professions education and training to build a more representative workforce. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health, 65(1), 149-159.

Effland, K. and Hays, K. (2019). Beyond cultural competence: Equity and social justice in midwifery education. Midwifery Matters, 5(2), 11-17.

Epstein, W. N. (2022). The health equity mandate. Journal of Law and the Biosciences9(1), lsab030.

Fairman, J.  A.  (2019).  “Service is the rent we pay”:  The complexity of nurses’ claims of their place in social justice movements.  Nursing History Review, 28, 16–30.

Fisher, E. S. (2020). Cultural humility as a form of social justice: Promising practices for global school psychology training. School Psychology International41(1), 53-66.

Fleming, E., Frantsve-Hawley, J., & Minter-Jordan, M. (2022). Health Equity Needs Teeth. AMA Journal of Ethics24(1), 48-56.

Fougang, D. C., Mpofu, C., & Wepa, D. (2025). Towards health justice: Implementing structural competency in women’s healthcare education. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences, 100819.

Gamer, S. (2022). Building Nurse Upstanders for Health Equity. Journal of Nursing Education, 61(7), 417-420.

Guilamo-Ramos, Vincent, Marco Thimm-Kaiser, Adam Benzekri, Marissa D. Abram, and Michael P. Cary Jr. “A roadmap for the nursing scientific workforce to eliminate health and healthcare inequities.” Nursing Outlook 72, no. 6 (2024): 102272.

Guilamo-Ramos, V., Johnson, C., Thimm-Kaiser, M., & Benzekri, A. (2023). Nurse-led approaches to address social determinants of health and advance health equity: A new framework and its implications. Nursing Outlook, 101996.

Habibzadeh, H., Jasemi, M. & Hosseinzadegan, F. (2021). Social justice in health system; A neglected component of academic nursing education: a qualitative study. BMC Nurs 2016 (2021). 1

Harley, D. and Cartwright, B. (2017). Marginalized Racial and Ethnic Adults with Disabilities in Rural Communities: The Role of Cultural Competence and Social Justice. Disability and Vocational Rehabilitation in Rural Settings. pp 151-168.

Harley, D. and Cartwright, B. (2018). “Marginalized Racial and Ethnic Adults with Disabilities in Rural Communities: The Role of Cultural Competence and Social Justice.” In: Harley D., Ysasi N., Bishop M., Fleming A. (eds) Disability and Vocational Rehabilitation in Rural Settings. Springer, Cham.

Heitkemper, E. & Thurman, W. (2022). Social Justice: A Critical Approach for the Future. Nursing Outlook, 70(3), 374-376.

Hellman, A. N., Cass, C., Cathey, H., Smith, S. L., & Hurley, S. (2018). Understanding poverty: Teaching social justice in undergraduate nursing education. Journal of Forensic Nursing14(1), 11–17.

Henry, T. L., Britz, J. B., Louis, J. S., Bruno, R., Oronce, C. I. A., Georgeson, A., … & Huffstetler, A. N. (2022). Health equity: the only path forward for primary care. The Annals of Family Medicine20(2), 175-178.

Hernandez, E. M. (2022). Centering equity in health care. JAMA pediatrics, 176(1):9–10.

Ibrahim, H, et al. (2021). Health data poverty: An assailable barrier to equitable digital health care. The Lancet, Digital health, 3(4), e260-e265.

Jackson, D., Commodore-Mensah, Y., Dale, C. M., Logsdon, M. C.,  Morin, K., Noyes, J., & Yu, D. (2021). International Nurses Day 2021: A vision for increased social justice in future healthcare. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 27(8), e13-e-15.

James, A., Carrier, J & Watkins, D. (2021). Nursing must respond for social justice in this ‘perfect storm.’ Journal of Advanced Nursing, 78(10), e-36-e-37.

Jensen, N., Kelly, A. H., & Avendano, M. (2022). Health equity and health system strengthening–Time for a WHO re-think. Global Public Health17(3), 377-390.

Johnston, K. J., Chin, M. H., & Pollack, H. A. (2022). Health Equity for Individuals With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. JAMA.

Johanson, L., Urso, P. P., Bemker, M. A., & Sullivan, D. (2024). A Cultural Humility Approach to Inclusive and Equitable Nursing Care. Nursing Clinics of North America, 59(1),97-108).

Johnson, S. S. (2024). The Urgent Need to Advance Health Equity: Past and Present. American Journal of Health Promotion38(3), 427-447.

Johnson, C., Rastetter, M., & Olayiwola, J. N. (2022). Pathways to equity: A pilot study implementing a health equity leadership curriculum in residency education as an antidote to systemic racism. Journal of the National Medical Association.

Kanagasingam, D., Norman, M., & Hurd, L. (2022). ‘It’s not just to treat everybody the same: A social justice framework for caring for larger patients in healthcare practice.  Sociology of Health & Illness.

Krishnan, A., Rabinowitz, M., Ziminsky, A., Scott, S. M., & Chretien, K. C. (2019). Addressing race, culture, and structural inequality in medical education: A guide for revising teaching cases.  Academic Medicine94(4), 550-555.

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LeBlanc, R. G. (2017). Digital story telling in social justice nursing education. Public Health Nursing, 34(4), 395–400.

Lee, H., Kim, D., Lee, S., & Fawcett, J. (2020). The concepts of health inequality, disparities and equity in the era of population health. Applied Nursing Research56, 151367.

Lennon, N. H., Carmichael, A. E., & Qualters, J. R. (2022). Health equity guiding frameworks and indices in injury: A review of the literature. Journal of safety research.

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Lewis, C. L., Yan, A., Williams, M. Y., Apen, L. V., Crawford, C. L., Morse, L., … & Beatty, D. (2023). Health equity: A concept analysis. Nursing Outlook71(5), 102032.

Liblik, K., Desai, V., Yin, G., Ng, R., Maho, S., Cohen, N., & Soleas, E. K. (2022). Professional development in health sciences: scoping review on equity, diversity, inclusion, indigeneity, and accessibility interventions. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 10-1097.

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