Nutrition and Cultural Competence
Cultural Competence Improvement Tool (CCIT)
The Cultural Competence Improvement Tool was been developed by the National Black Child Development Institute under the supervision of Lauren Hogan, Director of Public Policy and Angele’ Doyne, Child Health Program Coordinator. The CCIT can assist schools, after school providers, and child care providers conduct a review of cultural competence in existing health and nutrition education curricula. This tool can be used in the following ways: 1) It can help providers select a health and nutrition curriculum that meets the particular needs of their learners (i.e., children and family members); 2) It can help providers improve the cultural relevance of an existing health and nutrition curriculum being used in their program; 3) It can be used to compare multiple health and nutrition curricula in order to choose a curriculum that best fits your program needs. (Link)
Ethnic Pyramids
For professionals and consumers, these language sets contain Food Pyramids and handouts for healthy adults, mothers and babies, mature adults, and children. All are bilingual and copyright free. Available in 37 languages, including Amharic, Arabic, Bengali, Bosnian, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Gujarati, Haitian Creole, Hebrew, Hindi, Laotian, Polish, Russian, Somali, Turkish, and more. N.E.N.A. Project/CARA, Department of Anthropology & Geography, Georgia State University. (Link)
Abbott, P., Davison, J., Moore, L. and Rubenstein, R. (2012). Effective nutrition education for Aboriginal Australians: Lessons from a diabetes cooking course. J Nutr Educ Behav., 44:559.
Adkins, C. (2017). Instructional Strategies That Promote Cultural Competence in Nutrition and Dietetics Education. Walden University. (Link)
Andrade, J. (2019). Determining the Associations Between Dietetic-Related Activities and Undergraduate Dietetic Students’ General Cultural Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs. Nutrients, 11: 1-16.
Assis, M., Calvo, M., Kupek, E., Vasconcelos, F., Campos, V., Machado, M., et al. (2010). Qualitative analysis of the diet of a probabilistic sample of schoolchildren from Florianópolis, Santa Catarina State, Brazil, using the Previous Day Food Questionnaire. Cad Saúde Pública 2010, 26:1355-65.
Bailey, R., Fileti, C., Keith, J., Tropez-Sims, S., Price, W., and Allison-Ottey, S. (2013). Lactose intolerance and health disparities among African Americans and Hispanic Americans: An updated consensus statement. J Natl Med Assoc., 105(2),112-127.
Besnilian, A., Goldenberg, A., and Plunkett, S. W. (2016). Promoting diversity within the dietetics profession through a peer mentorship program. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 116(2), 198-202.
Bilyk, H. T. (2015). Role of registered dietitian nutritionist in the research and promotion of native and cultural foods. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, suppl 1, 115(5), S31-S33.
Chodur, G., Shen Y., Kodish, S., Oddo, V., Antiporta, D., Jock B, et al. (2016). Food Environments around American Indian Reservations: A Mixed Methods Study. PLoS ONE, 11(8): e0161132. (Link)
Christaldi, J. and Bodzio, J. (2015). Cultural Competence and the Global Role of Dietitians: A Haitian Medical Mission and Inter-Professional, Service-Learning Nutrition Course. The Open Nutrition Journal, 9(Suppl 1-M5), 35-41.
Conner, S. (2015). Think Globally, Practice Locally: Culturally Competent Dietetics. J Acad Nutr Diet., 115(5): S5.
Cultural Competence and Humility in Nutrition Security Interventions.
Duffy, L., & Burt, K. G. (2020). Exploring the Relationship between Cultural Humility and Professional Diversity through the Biased Mediterranean Diet. Journal of Best Practices in Health Professions Diversity, 13(2), 174-183.
Elshahat, S., & Moffat, T. (2020). Dietary practices among Arabic-speaking immigrants and refugees in Western societies: A scoping review. Appetite, 154, 104753.
Fanning, F., Witt, C., Bonifer, K., Buchana, N., Derifield, S., Paver, J., Shepherd, D. and Yount, M. (2016). Qualitative results of meal make-over contest narratives following a nutrition intervention in rural Appalachia. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 48(7), S29.
Fuster, M. (2022). “Because I don’t come from the culture:” Examining dietitian’s experience promoting healthy dietary behaviors among Hispanic Caribbean clients in New York City. Critical Dietetics, 6(2), 45-53.
Garnweidner, L., Terragni, L., Pettersen, K. & Mosdøl, A. (2012). Perceptions of the Host Country’s Food Culture among Female Immigrants from Africa and Asia: Aspects Relevant for Cultural Sensitivity in Nutrition Communication. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 44(4), 335-342. doi: 10.1016/j.jneb.2011.08.005
Gonter-Dray, R. M. (2023). Enhancing the Dietetic Undergraduate Cultural Competemility Journey [Doctoral dissertation, University of Dayton]. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center.
Greene, M., Houghtaling, B., Sadeghzadeh, C., De Marco, M., Morgan, R., & Holston, D. (2022). Nutrition interventions addressing structural racism: A scoping Review. Nutrition Research Reviews, 1-53.
Hack, R., Hekmat, S. and Ahmadi, L. (2015). Examining the Cultural Competence of Third- and Fourth-Year Nutrition Students: A Pilot Study. Can J Diet Pract Res., 76(4), 178-84.
Hardin-Fanning, F. and Rayens, M. (2016). Food cost disparities in rural communities. Health Promotion Practice 16(6), 383-391.
Hardin-Fanning, F. and Rayens, M. (2014). Nutritional quality, geographic location and food costs. Health Promotion & Practice, 16(3), 383, 391.
Hardin-Fanning, F.and Gokun, Y. (2014). Gender and age are associated with healthy food purchases via grocery voucher redemption. Journal of Rural & Remote Health 14 (3), 2830.
Hardin-Fanning, F. (2013). Adherence to a Mediterranean diet in a rural Appalachian food desert. Journal of Rural and Remote Health 13(1), 2293.
Heiss, C. J., Rengers, B., Fajardo-Lira, C., Henley, S. M., Bizeau, M., & Gillette, D. (2011). Preparing dietetics practitioners to effectively serve the Hispanic population. JAND, 113(5), S24-S28.
Hong, T., Dibley, M., and Sibbritt, D. (2010). Validity and reliability of an FFQ for use with adolescents in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Public Health Nutr, 13:368-75.
Huye, H. F. (2023). Using Service-Learning Experiences to Improve Cultural Competence in Pre-Professional Dietetic Students. Medical Research Archives, 11(7.1).
Huycke, P., Ingribelli, J., and Rysdale, L. (2017). Aboriginal Cultural Competency in Dietetics: A National Survey of Canadian Registered Dietitians. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research, 2 78(4), 172-176.
Jager, M., den Boeft, A., Leij‐Halfwerk, S., van Der Sande, R., & van den Muijsenbergh, M. (2020). Cultural competency in dietetic diabetes care—A qualitative study of the dietician’s perspective. Health Expectations, 23(3), 540-548.
Jacobo, S. (2016). Estudiane De Dietetica Cultural Compment Currulum: A Follow Up Investigation. Thesis: California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.
Kittler, P., Sucher, K., and Nelms, M. (2012). Food and Culture. Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth.
Klement, C. (2010). Intercultural Competence for the Nutrition Professional. Thesis. Eastern Michigan University (Link)
Knoblock-Hahn, A., Scharff, D., Elliott, M., (2010). Cultural Competence in Dietetics Education: Where Are We Now and Where Do We Need to Go? Topics in Clinical Nutrition, 25(4), 323-334.
Livingstone, K. M., Love, P., Mathers, J. C., Kirkpatrick, S. I., & Olstad, D. L. (2023). Cultural adaptations and Tailoring of public health nutrition interventions in indigenous peoples and ethnic minority groups: opportunities for Personalised and precision nutrition. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 82(4), 478-486.
McArthur, L., Greathouse, K., Smith, E., Holber, D. (2011). A quantitative assessment of the cultural knowledge, attitudes and experiences of junior and senior dietetics students. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behaviour; 43(6): 464-472.
McConnell, S. (2013). Culturally tailored postsecondary nutrition and health education curricula for indigenous populations. Int J Circumpolar Health, 72: 21144
Medico, J. (2011). Curricular Competencies Related to Cultural Competence for the Education and Training of Registered Dietitians. Master’s Thesis, University of Tennessee. (Link)
Millichamp, A. and Gallegos, D. (2011). Meeting the Food Needs of Queensland’s Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Aged: What do service providers say? Brisbane: Queensland University of Technology.
Miller. A., and Brown-Riggs, C. (2016). Ethnic Disparities in Diabetes Care. Today’s Dietitian, 18(11), 48. (Link)
O’Brien, K., Puhl, R., Latner, J., Mir, S. and Hunter, J. (2010). Reducing anti-fat prejudice in preservice health students: A randomized trial. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.), 18(11), 2138–214.
Oliver, T., Bing-Bing, Q., Shenkman, R., Diewald, L. and Smeltzer, S. (2020). Weight sensitivity training among undergraduate nursing students. Journal of Nursing Education, 59(8), 453-456.
Owens, C., Weaver, L. J., Kaiser, B. N., Kalk, T., Tesema, F., Tessema, F., & Hadley, C. (2022). Context Matters for Food Security: Multi-Sited Evidence of Shared Cultural Models of Food Consumption. Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 61(2), 162-181
Pan, L., McGuire., Blanck, H., May-Murriel, A., and Grummer-Strawn, L, (2015). Racial/Ethnic Differences in Obesity Trends Among Young Low-Income Children. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 48(5), 570 – 574.
Passerrello, C. (2023). Development and Assessment of Cultural Competemility Among Supervised Experiential Learning Preceptors in Nutrition and Dietetics Education (Doctoral dissertation, University of Pittsburgh).
Perkin, J. and Rodriquez, J. (2013). More Lit Can Fit: Using Nontraditional Literature in Dietetics Education to Enhance Cultural Competence, Cultural Literacy, and Critical Thinking. J Acad Nutr Diet., 113: 757-761.
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Ranzaho, A. M. N., Halliday, J. A., Mellor, D. & Green, J. (2015). The healthy migrant families initiative: Development of a culturally competent obesity prevention intervention for African migrants. BMC Public Health, 15(272), 1-11.
Sabatini, F., da Rocha Pereira, P., Devincenzi, M. U., Aburad, L., & Scagluisi, F. B. (2016). Nutrition students’ experiences with constructing a portfolio about food and culture. Nutrition & Dietetics, 73, 95-102.
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Serafica, R. et al. (2018). Concept analysis of dietary biculturalism in Filipino immigrants within the context of cardiovascular risk, Nursing Forum, 53(2), 241-247.
Solomon, J. (2017). Enhancing Culturally Competent Care for Obesity Among African Immigrants. Dissertation: University of Arizona. (Link)
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