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RWJF-NCIN - Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). New careers in nursing.
US DHHS-Diversity programs 2009 - US Department of Health and Human Services (US DHHS). Pipeline programs to improve racial and ethnic diversity in the health professions: An inventory of federal programs, assessment of evaluation approaches, and critical review of the research literature; 2009.
SMYSP - Stanford School of Medicine. Stanford Medical Youth Science Program (SMYSP). The Stanford Medical Youth Science Program is a five-week online enrichment program focused on science and medicine that is open to low-income, underrepresented high school juniors who live in Northern and Central California
RWJF-Brown 2013 - Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP) is a free six-week academic enrichment summer program to help qualified undergraduate students from minority and disadvantaged backgrounds compete successfully for medical and dental school admission.
The National Coalition of Ethnic Minority Nurse Associations (NCEMNA) - A unified force advocating for equity and justice in nursing and health care for ethnic minority populations. (Link)
Association of American Colleges and University’s Diversity and Inclusive Excellence - This web site provides resources that bring together faculty and institutions of higher learning to provide national leadership that advances diversity and equity in higher education, and the best educational practices for an increasingly diverse population. (Link)
Association of American Medical College (AAMC) - The Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP) is a free summer enrichment program focused on improving access to information and resources for college students interested in the health professions. SHPEP’s goal is to strengthen the academic proficiency and career development of students underrepresented in the health professions and prepare them for a successful application and matriculation to health professions schools. These students include, but are not limited to, individuals who identify as African American/Black, American Indian and Alaska Native and Hispanic/Latino, and who are from communities of socioeconomic and educational disadvantage. SHPEP, formerly known as the Summer Medical and Dental Education Program (SMDEP), expanded in 2016 to include a broader array of health professions. (Link)
Transcultural C.A.R.E. Associates - Scholarship for Promoting an Ethnically Diverse Nursing Workforce is a scholarship that is available to ethnically diverse nurses who are obtaining additional education to promote equity, diversity, inclusivity, and social justice into all aspects of healthcare delivery. Contact Dr. Campinha-Bacote at [email protected] for additional information about this academic scholarship.
Selected Minority Mentoring Programs in Nursing
Minority Ethnic Program (MFP) of the American Nurses Association - The Program's broad mission is to increase the number of rigorously educated nurses from under-represented ethnic minority groups to:
- Conduct research about psychiatric/mental health issues and problems with minority populations across the life span;
- Assume leadership roles in the initiation of scientific investigations about phenomena that occur among ethnic/minority populations;
- Expand psychiatric/mental health literature about minority populations across the life span, and
- Function as members of interdisciplinary research and treatment teams with the intent of improving the mental health status of ethnic/minority populations
MFP developed the manual, Mentoring Guidelines: A Guide for Mentors and Mentees. (Link)
UND RAIN – The Recruitment/ Retention of American Indians into Nursing (RAIN) Program, located within the College of Nursing at the University of North Dakota, is partnering to increase the number of American Indian health professionals in North Dakota. The Recruitment/ Retention of American Indians into Nursing (RAIN) Program, located within the College of Nursing at the University of North Dakota, is partnering to increase the number of American Indian health professionals in North Dakota. The RAIN Program will incorporate a range of proven, culturally specific recruitment, retention, and mentoring strategies to assist the Next Steps project in meeting its goals. The RAIN Program is recognized as a premiere program for assisting American Indians to access and complete professional nursing education. The retention rate for RAIN nursing students at UND is above 90 percent. Eighty-three percent of RAIN graduates return to work in tribal communities. (Link).
RRANN – Recruitment and Retention of Alaska Natives into Nursing is housed at the University of Alaska Anchorage School of Nursing. RRRAN began in 1998 with federal grant funds to recruit and mentor Alaska Native/American Indian students to pursue nursing degrees. RRANN offers tutoring services, group meetings to help you connect with your peers, and a staff of student success facilitators that offer career and personal advice to aid you on your road to successfully completing the nursing program. (Link)
The Niganawenimaanaanig (We Take Care of Them) Indigenous Nursing Education Model - The Niganawenimaanaanig (We Take Care of Them) Indigenous Nursing Education Model was developed based on the Medicine Wheel and previous diverse nursing education models. This model supports the cultural, social, academic, and financial needs of Indigenous nursing students throughout recruitment, enrollment, retention, graduation, and licensure and specifies eight essential resources necessary for success. Citation: Wilkie, M. et al. (2023). Indigenous model to support nursing student success, cultural identity and workforce diversity. Journal of Nursing Education, 62(9), 523-527.
CO-OP - Caring for Our Own Program is a Reservation/ University Partnership. CO-OP works with a state-wide advisory board with members from each reservation who represent the education and health sectors. The advisory board acts as a liaison between the reservation communities and CO-OP. Board members identify perspective nursing students as well as effective outreach strategies to use in their respective communities. (Link)
N-NURSE - Facilitates workshops to improve mentoring skills using the culturally embedded Navajo Nursing Pathway of Mentorship developed by N-NURSE's curriculum development team. The curriculum model uses the Navajo Philosophy of the Four Directions and Sacred Mountains that border Navajol to organize the content and educational resource materials. The purpose of N-NURSE is to continue development of a network of trained mentors throughout the Navajo Nation that will provide community members interested in nursing a mentor while pursuing a nursing degree or advancing in their nursing career. (Link)
Minority Mentoring Program – Developed in 2008 by Dr. Judith Lightsey of the Radiation Oncology department, the OMA Medical Student Mentoring Program is designed to provide support and guidance to minority medical students at the University of Florida College of Medicine. (Link)
MIM - Mentoring In Medicine is an organization that works with students in disadvantaged areas from 3rd grade through health professional schools. They ignite, cultivate, and prepare students to become health care professionals by allowing prospective students to interact with established expert health care professionals around the country. (Link)
PMI - Pipeline Mentoring Institute recognized that many of the barriers to greater diversity within the medical profession lie within the continuum of elementary through undergraduate education. Therefore, PMI seeks to close the gap in preparing under-represented minority students for a career in medicine and other health-related professions.(Link)
Harold Amos Medical Faculty Development Program – This program provides four-year postdoctoral research awards to physicians and dentists from historically underrepresented groups. The longstanding program seeks to increase the number of senior-level physicians and dentists from historically disadvantaged backgrounds in academic medicine and dentistry.(Link)
Project L/EARN – Project L/EARN is an intensive summer research training internship for undergraduate students from groups that have been under-represented in graduate schools in the fields of health, mental health, and health policy research and those from disadvantaged communities, thereby expanding the breadth of health research to include a broader range of ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic issues, concerns and perspectives. (Link)