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National Asian Pacific Center on Aging
The Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing
National Caucus and Center on Black Aged, Inc.
National Hispanic Council on Aging, Inc.
National Indian Council on Aging
Pioneer Network (Advocates for culture change in aging)
Audiovisual Resources
Family Counseling with an Older Black Family (15 minutes/video) Produced by the School of Social Work at San Jose State University, this video demonstrates family counseling skills appropriate to work with older African American families and to serve as a trigger for discussion. The major issue presented is the conflict between a daughter and her recently disabled mother. The theme is the importance of understanding the value of the Black church and extended kin networks to the life of many Black elderly people. Contact: Andrew Scharlach School of Social Welfare; 329 Haviland Hall; University of California; Berkeley, CA 94720; (510) 642-0126.
Old, Black, and Alive! (28 minutes/ film -1974) Filmed in the rural south, depicts seven elderly African American women who share their insight, faith and strength in a documentary on aging. Contact: University of California at Berkeley Extension Media Center; 2176 Shattuck Avenue; Berkeley, CA 94704; (510) 642-0618 or 642-0460
Older, Stronger, Wiser (28 minutes/ video or film - 1990) Profiles 5 African American women who have struggled to rise above the indignities of racism that have characterized the Black experience for years. Contact: Indiana University Audio Visual Center; Bloomington, IN 47405; (812) 335-2103